One of your ancestors brought it home from some war or other, and it seemed appropriate to use it here.
It has a hook attached to one end, which could come in handy for climbing.
They really are well-made.
The package is securely wrapped (doesn’t he trust you?) and tied with string.
It is redolent with butter, honey and cardamom.
The paper cone looks as if it would fall apart if you carried it around very long.
The roasted bird is a little greasy, as might be expected, but you wrap it in a napkin and hope for the best.
It is a burka, the black cloak worn by women of the household when they go out in public. It is made from a single length of black fabric, with a “window” in front created by the pulled-thread embroidery technique.
They’re old and a bit ragged, a perfect way to make yourself unnoticeable.
They’re in all shapes and sizes, and probably unlock every door in this wing of the Palace.
It’s from Jake, addressed to you. You can read it any time you like.
It gives instructions for operating a flying carpet.
It seems perfectly clear… sort of.
It’s too old and tarnished for Palace use, but may still give decent light.
It’s securely corked, although it seems to be quite empty.
It weighs much less than you’d expect.
It is made of solid gold with intricate detailing, but has no stones.
It’s made of silver with gold detailing.
It feels pleasantly heavy, though you don’t have any way of opening the lock.
It is new and shiny, an excellent trade for the tarnished old one.
It is of heavy gold, with bits of polished red and green glass or crystal.
The board is made of several kinds of wood, and the pieces are of semi-precious stone.
They aren’t fully faceted, but have been cut just enough for you to have no doubt about what they are.
Each one features a single colossal pearl.
They jingle attractively in your pack.
You probably won’t be able to spend them in the vicinity of the Palace.
It is cobweb-light and shimmers in a rainbow of colors.
It is made of enameled brass with precious-metal inlay work, and will look very handsome on your mantelpiece.